Fight Cancer Foundation’s Footy Colours Day is a national fundraising campaign held during the month of September to support kids living with cancer. Schools, workplaces, groups and clubs across Australia are wearing their favourite footy team’s colours and hosting events to raise much-needed funds. Every dollar raised supports Fight Cancer Foundation’s education programs to help kids with cancer continue with their education during treatment and recovery.

Shane (our awesome Warehouse and Logistics Manager) reckons this is one of the best things you could do on a Friday afternoon (during and after) work! Raising money for a worthy charity, a BBQ, some wine and beer refreshments, perhaps a bit of muted footy on a screen, some live music, some fun activities and great conversation …and all on AFL Grand Final eve. Super Cool! Come to think of it, I can’t think of a better way to spend a Friday afternoon! It’s also a great chance to pick up some toilet paper from the warehouse while you’re down here as well! Wooh Hooh! Bring it on!!

Wear your favourite footy team’s colours and come down to Cinderellas Cleaning Supplies for BBQ and drinks. There’ll probably be a few fundraising activities such as a chook raffle, an egg and spoon race and maybe even a beauty contest with a prize for second place! Who knows what’s gonna happen? …Shane’s in charge and that means ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN! We might even have guest appearances from some really REALLY famous people too! (Well, famous in our opinion!) I’m going to ask some of the Sturt boys to drop in if they’re passing by.
So click on the link above to confirm your attendance.
This will greatly help us arrange adequate catering for the event.

Where: Cinderellas Cleaning Supplies
Address: Rear Shed, 10 Unley Road, Unley, SA, 5061
When: 1:30pm – 4pm, Friday 28th September, 2018