(This article is a copy of the document we circulated to our clients mid March 2020).

We advise all staff and contractors not to panic, as in our experience not all suspected cases result in a positive Covid-19 diagnosis.
However, if you suspect or can confirm an occurrence of Covid-19 in a workplace you have cleaned or visited, you should report it to me (Mark Ferdinands) immediately.
We can then use this information to keep other staff, clients and the relevant authorities updated and to review our current and future Covid-19 responses.
SafeWork SA recommends that employers like Cinderellas put systems in place for managing the situation when a staff member becomes ill at work.
Staff or clients who report or show compatible symptoms should be:
• Isolated from others and referred to a medical practitioner for medical assessment, and
• Given a disposable surgical mask to wear as an interim measure before they leave the workplace. It is essential the mask is worn correctly and disposed of as soon as it becomes moist or after coughing or sneezing. (This will depend on the availability of masks but we are sourcing this and other essential PPE ASAP).
• Arrangements should be made for your/their transport either to a doctor or to your/their home, preferably not using public transport.
• When a person with suspected infection has left the workplace we should ensure that their workstation, work areas they have been in are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.

• Environmental cleaning of surfaces with a neutral detergent followed by a disinfectant solution.
The instructions of the products in regard to dilution and use should be followed.
Please refer to the PDF promulgated on March 16th titled “CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) Update for our Clients” for further information